Day 1 of the Advent Calendar: Phlox Twinkle Star Dwarf

Day 1 of The Rose Press Garden 'Flower Seed Advent Calendar' is finally here...!

I'm so excited to reveal day one is Phlox Twinkle Star Dwarf mix... a totally gorgeous mix of pinks, purples and white flowers in the shape of stars. These are brilliant for pots, containers and at the front of borders. I grew these in my garden this summer and I had soooo many compliments!

Phlox Twinkle Star Dwarf Mixed produces masses of attractive star-shaped flowers in a bright mixture of colours. This dwarf, compact variety is well suited for containers, summer beds and the front of borders.

  • Producing dainty flowers over a long season.
  • Dwarf, compact habit ideal for small spaces.
  • Excellent choice for ground cover.

Suitable For - Bedding plants, cottage gardens, coastal gardens, borders, flowers for cutting

Sowing Months - February - May

Flowering Months - June - September

Soil Preparation

To help with moisture retention and fertility add a good amount of well rotted manure or compost to the soil. If the soil is a heavy clay add some gritty sand to help with drainage. Remove weeds from the area.

General Information
Habit Annual Soil type Fertile, well drained soil
Type   Distance between plants 15 - 25 cm
Position Full sun Sowing depth 2mm indoors, 5mm outdoors
Average height 15 cm Germination Temperature 13 to 18℃
Average spread 10 - 25 cm Days to germination 7 - 25 days
Hardiness Hardy down to -5 RHS Bee friendly No
Soil Ph   RHS Award winner No

Sowing Guide

Early Sowing/Module Sowing

From Feb onwards sow seeds on the surface of moist compost in trays, modules or pots.
Lightly cover the seeds with vermiculite or compost.
Place in a propagator or a clear polythene bag and seal. Germinate in a dark location at the temperature suggested above.
Once germination has started remove from the bag or propagator and position in a well lit area with a reduced temperature. Protect from direct exposure to hot sun and frost.
When large enough to handle transplant into 7.5 cm pots.
Grow on in a greenhouse or cold frame. Protect from frost.
Plant out when all risk of frost has passed and the plants are growing strong.
Harden off the phlox plants over 7 - 10 days before planting out to reduce shock.

Direct Sowing

Thinly sow the seeds in late April - May in well prepared seeds beds where the plants are to flower in rows 30 cm apart at the depth suggested above. The soil should be a fine tilth.
Water well.
When large enough to handle thin to 15 - 25 cm apart.

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