Gardening jobs for February
February may be a quiet month for some, but it is a busy month for gardeners. The days are getting longer and we can finally start sowing more flower seeds.
Sow flower & vegetable seeds that can be sown in February. Look out for my 'Flowers to sow this February' blog post.
Life & divide Snowdrops still in the green if you wan to move them or create more plants
Mulch borders and trees with well rotted manure or garden compost.
Wash empty pots with hot water and a mild detergent (fairy liquid is a good shout).
Consider buying a water butt ahead of the hot Summer months.
Clear guttering from Greenhouses and sheds.
Cut down any ornamental grasses left standing over Winter.
If the ground isn't frozen, now is a good time to dig up and divide perennials.
Trim back ivy, Virginia creeper and other climbers if they have outgrown their space, before birds start nesting for Spring
Add slow release fertiliser around the base of Roses.
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